Holler Country Music

New Artist of the Week: Noah Hicks

May 25, 2021 4:00 am GMT
Last Edited June 30, 2022 12:33 pm GMT

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Plenty of people discover a passion when they’re younger, but not everyone gets to make it their livelihood. Singer-songwriter Noah Hicks is one of the lucky ones. “I never thought being a singer was even possible - I intended to do what everyone else did," he says. "I’ve worked farms, built fences, tended cows, tinted windows. Becoming an artist was always just a dream. Now I’m blessed to call it my job.”

Hicks got his first guitar in the third grade, which set off a friendly competition of “who can learn what faster” with his best friend. From there, it seemed like Hicks’ path in life was set – it would always include music and the challenge to do better.

The Georgia-born musician knew he needed to learn the craft in a deeper way than just writing his own songs. In between playing his own gigs, he spent his early adulthood traveling to shows to hear other artists. “I couldn’t get enough, and I figured I had a lot to learn - what better way than to watch and experience other artists’ live shows?” he shares.

All of that time on the road led him to Nashville in 2018, right around the time he released his first single, ‘Raised on the Radio’. But it would take another two years before he officially relocated to Music City and started garnering attention from the major players. In 2020, he released his second single ‘Drinking Alone’ and caught the ear of Rhett Akins. The two collaborated on Hicks’ single ‘No More of ‘Em’ soon after.

For Hicks, it’s all about the song and the story it tells. He draws heavily on his past in Georgia, crafting singles that he hopes listeners will identify with. His new single ‘Miss You Back’, was co-written with Jeremy Stover, Paul Digiovanni and Cole Taylor. It starts with an emotional guitar riff that leads into Hicks’ plea for a relationship he’s not ready to leave behind. “Been putting memory lane miles on the dash, wishin’ you were over on the right side,” he sings, his Georgia accent flitting through the anthemic chorus.

Alongside the release of his new single, which is premiering exclusively at Holler today, Hicks details the ways in which Georgia has influenced him – along with the music his brother would often play – and how he’s already landing his dream collaborations. Not bad for someone just getting started.

Where are you from and has that influenced the type of artist you are?
I am from Carrollton, Georgia, and it has 100% made me who I am - it has definitely had an impact on my music.

Speaking of influences, what were you listening to growing up?
I listened to a lot of what my family listened to. I grew up hearing guys like Rhett Akins being played in the truck, and whatever my older brother was listening to. It was a lot of Florida Georgia Line, Jason Aldean and Justin Moore, but also a little hip hop and rock as well.

Did you ever want to do something other than music?
I honestly thought I was gonna do some sort of farming, probably cattle and/or chickens, or work tinting windows. But music has always been important to me, and I’m so glad it’s become my career.

Are you more creative when you’re happy or when you’re sad?
I’m definitely more creative when I’m happy. I'd much rather write when I’m clear-minded and happy.

What drives you the most?
My family members are my biggest supporters, and they’re definitely the reason I try and keep my head down and just grind.

Who would be your dream collaboration?
The artists that are hopping on these songs with me are unreal. It already feels like a dream to be working with some of my favorite artists and musical heroes.

What’s next?
We’re releasing a bunch of singles this year, but trying to do it a little differently. Me and the team came up with something we’re calling 'Shot & Chaser'. Basically, we’re releasing a collaboration (the shot) followed up by a solo performance a couple of. weeks later (the chaser). We’re going to do that a few times this year and I’m really excited about these collabs and these songs. The first one is out with Rhett Akins on ‘No More of Em' - we wrote that one together with Jeremy Stover and Will Bundy. Now we’re putting out ‘Miss You Back’.

'Miss You Back' is premiering exclusively today on Holler - you can listen above. You can also listen to Hicks' 'shot' single with Rhett Akins, 'No More of 'Em', below.

Photography by Wales Tony.

Written by Amanda Wicks
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